Katmandu living

the van de Wiel/Schou Hansen family blog

Though I have been promising new pictures for a while now I have had problems getting the pictures from our digital camera to my computer. In the meantime, you will have to live with the lack of updates. Hopefully, I will be able to resolve the problem soon. Today is the Danish election and I am somewhat concerned about the outcome. Though this is the closest election in a long time, all indications are that the current government will continue, though it will be on a more uncertain mandate. The last couple of days I have been participating in a trading game on the web-site of the biggest Danish newspaper - Politiken. The game is simply put that you trade on outcomes of the election and the opinion polls.

Before I loose many of my saved up points today, after a bad investment in the Social Democratic Party being the largest party in today's polls (which they didn't become), I just wanted to share my good track record. As of this morning I was no. 14 out of almost 1500 participants - Unfortunately I will now fall a couple of 100s positions. Anyway, I have been true to my believes, and truly hoped that we would get a change of government.


  1. Anonymous  

    Ja, jeg sidder også her og er godt træt af valgets udfald. Svært at skulle leve med Pia ved roret i en peiode mere...... Flot med din score, ærgerligt at dit bud ikke holdt!! Vi skal have besøg af Dorthe og Lars i weekenden, lørdag aften kommer Henriette og Flemming, så da vil vi savne jer eksta meget! Vi snakkes ved. Knus fra AM

  2. Susanne & Michael  

    Så fandt Susanne & Michael også frem til jer igen. Valget var noget skrammel, men Monse Camre, den smukke mand, var da ret underholdende.
    Vi glæder os til at genoptage kontakten

  3. Henrik  

    Hej Michael og Susanne - Hvis i vender tilbage til denne kommentar, gider i godt lige at sende mig en mail til henriksh@gmail.com saa vi kan komme i kontakt igen


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