Katmandu living

the van de Wiel/Schou Hansen family blog

After a well deserved holiday in Europe the whole family is now back in Yemen. Lieke and the kids got quite a delay on the way back as a plane had skipped off the runway in Sana’a and their plane therefore got rerouted to Aden where they spent almost 24 hours in the airport and later at a hotel. So they have not quite recovered yet. We have returned to the last draws of the monsoon season in Sana’a and an invasion of locust. Parts of Yemen is suffering quite a bit and the situation is complicated further by lack of action due to concerns for the honey production. So right now the grasshoppers are allowed to roam free as insecticides would kill off the bees as well. The citizens of Sana’a are happy though as they eat the grasshoppers – it is considered a delicacy and is called the “flying scrimp”. Anyway, I just wanted to make a short update with the promise that I one of the coming days will upload some pictures from our summer holiday. Thanks for everything while we were in Europe.


  1. Henrik Amtoft Neubauer  

    Kære Henrik og Lieke (og børn....)

    Det var rigigt dejligt at se jer igen, og det var en fornøjelse at slippe børnene fri i hinandens selskab, og så ikke høre noget til dem et par timer :-) Sprog betyder ingenting i sammenligning med ærter i køkkenhaven.
    Vi har fået taget et rigtigt godt ryk med at sætte hus istand siden I var forbi, og er nu klar til at pakke vores bøger ud efter 6 måneder. Endvidere kommer min pladespiller og pladesamling frem fra loftets gemmer. Det bliver fantastisk.
    Ellers er alt vel herhjemme, og jeg lægger nok en besked engang tilo september.
    kærlig hilsen fra Egå

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