Katmandu living

the van de Wiel/Schou Hansen family blog

Finally, things seem to get moving. We have had some moving companies to look at our household goods and will hopefully be ready to pack everything up by the end of November. We are working on getting the car sold but still no news on that front. We have however sold everything else we need to sell and our very long to-do list is getting shorter. Everybody has finally agreed upon that we will leave Mexico by the end of November (the 29th to be precise) and that the kids and I (Henrik) will take a long holiday in Europe. Lieke will go to Holland but right away fly on to Yemen where she will stay until the 22nd and return to first Denmark and after that to Holland for Christmas and New Years. On the 5th of January the whole family will fly over Dubai to Yemen to start our new life in the Middle East. So this is how the things stand right now. Besides that nothing new to report. Lieke and I will take a short well deserved holiday in Cuba. We will leave on Friday and will have three nights (in Hotel Nacional de Cuba) without the kids. It is going to be nice to get a bit of R&R before hell brakes loose in the last one and half month. Especially Lieke will need this as things will get very busy with wrapping everything up in the office.  


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